Some related questions and answers about concrete batching plant Q: How to transport aggregate in HZS120 concrete mixing plant?A: All domestic HZS120 concrete batching plant is used on conveyor feeding mode;Q: How to purchase JS500 concrete mixer intelligently?A: Firstly, understanding of the machine, especially the range of technical performance.Secondly, when machine out of the factory, next track, ladders, bracing, connecting angle, legs, anchor bolts, water pipe as spare parts, the others assembled components for the whole state.Q: What are HZS60 concrete batching plant including ? What else except the mixing device itself?A: It also includes concrete trucks, truck, weighing weighbridge, sand forklifts, maintenance equipment and so on.Q: What about the requirements about aggregate for concrete batching plant?A: There are three sand and gravel aggregate concrete for basic requirements. Firstly, it is a hard rock as raw material. Secondly, well-graded. Thirdly, the particle cleanliness, size to meet the requirements, grain shape is good.Now, gravel requirements are particularly high for large site, which is the company's purpose to provide customers with complete solutions.Q: What concrete mixing plant requires laboratory? It is not a formal requirement should have?A: Strictly speaking, it is the need lab, but many domestic affiliated concrete batching plant does not equip laboratories.
JZC Concrete Mixer
Capacity: 10 - 25mΒ³/h
Power: 10 - 30KW
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