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Is it profitable to invest in a concrete mixing plant?

Under the state of rapid economic development and the construction of various facilities, more and more enterprises or individuals start to invest in concrete mixing plant, so how much profit is there to invest in concrete mixing plant?

How to invest concrete mixing plant?

To enter the commercial concrete batching plant industry, investors should first realize that commercial concrete processing is a high-input industry, so they should conduct a lot of detailed market research to find out the target customers, whether they are in big cities, small and medium cities, whether they are for urban construction or individual projects, and whether they are for long-term, fixed, short-term or mobile projects.

HZS35 concrete mixing plant

Small Concrete Mixing Plant cost

In order to help those investors who are about to enter or ready to enter the commercial concrete mixing plant industry, Camelway introduces you to the basic points you need to consider when building a plant, we hope to provide you with reference and assistance.

  • HZS25 Concrete Mixing Plant approx. 16500 - 35000USD
  • HZS35 concrete mixing plant approx. 20000 - 45000USD
  • HZS50 concrete mixing plant approx. 35000 - 60000USD
  • HZS60 Concrete Mixing Plant approx. 35000 - 75000USD

HZS35 concrete mixing plant Investment costs

Here is the HZS35 concrete mixing plant as an example, to give you a simple profit calculation

The actual hourly output of HZS35 concrete mixing plant is about 30 cubes, and the working time is 8 hours a day for example, the output is 30x8=240 cubes of concrete a day, the net profit of one side of concrete is about $10, you can calculate according to the actual situation of your location, generally speaking, you can earn your money back in about 3 months.

Why Choose Camelway?

By comparing the investment and profit, have you considered the project investment of commercial concrete plant?

Camelway can provide various types of mixing plant equipment. If you need, please feel free to contact us!


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