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How to choose dry type concrete batching plant capacity 90m3 hour

There are many crucial tips when choosing dry type concrete batching plant 90 m3; hour, not only according to the productivity, but also the entire project plan.

1)Demand productivity and duration for the dry type concrete batching plant 90 m3; hour: Suppose that the demand productivity for the concrete batching plant is M,working day for the concrete batching plant is T,working hour per day is H,utilization coefficient is K, then can calculate the specification that should choose for the concrete batching plant:X=M/T*H*K (K:0.7-0.9). The transportation situation should also be considered when choosing the dry type concrete batching plant,such as:pump transportation or truck transportation,the volume of the transportation truck,etc.

2)The project for this dry type concrete batching plant capacity 90m3 hour: Choose the concrete mixer machine type according to the project, such as: choose the forced type concrete mixer machine for the water conservancy project. Besides,the building of the concrete batching plant and the choosing of the material hopper should be decided according to the batching plant material type.

3)Configuration of the concrete batching plant capacity 90m3; hour: Concrete mixer machine, batching machine, weighing system, lean belt conveyor, automatic control system, environmental features, structure design and personalized service.

4)Construction environment for concrete batching plant capacity 90m3; hour: When you purchase the concrete batching plant, you should consider the transportation to the concrete plant for maintenance or concrete delivery.

5)Operator specialism levels for the concrete batching plant capacity 90m3; hour:In general, the structure of small concrete mixing station is simple, so the requirements for operators are low. However, large concrete mixing station has complex structure, high degree of automation and higher requirements for operators.

6)Configuration for the concrete batching plant capacity 90m3; hour: Every manufacturer has their own configuration for particular concrete batching plant. If you have special requirement about the project, you should communicate with the manufacturer about the feasibility and make a suitable project plan.


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