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How much site area is needed to build a concrete batching plant?

To building a concrete batching plant, the first thing you need to do is how your blue map looks like is. Land choosing, equipment purchasing, and employee hiring are preliminary preparations works. However, the land choosing and planning is premise that concrete batching plant is able to work stably. Thus, it is important that you should confirm the site area needed first. So, how much site area is needed to build a concrete batching plant?

How much site area is needed to build a concrete batching plant

Usually, concrete batching plant is used for long term project. The layout of the equipment is very important because concrete batching plant is combined device of concrete mixing. Therefore, every part in the whole system needs to assemble rationally and scientifically. If the install area gets limitation, concrete batching plant will not able to complete assemble. In addition, you need to consider material and product transport is convenient or not when concrete batching plant works. If you finish all content mentioned above, the progress of the project can be guaranteed.

For the bigger concrete batching plant such as HZS120 and HZS180, the site area of its equipment is about 1,000 m2. If you also need to build material storage, parking lot, building, work shop, the site is will be 3200 m2. If the terrain is complicated, technical support from plant manufacturer will help you layout the equipment, and utilizing the construction site to place it. For the small concrete batching plant such as HZS25 AND HZS60, the site are of its equipment is about 2000 m2 in total.

Please quote with us or leave a message if you need to the specific site area for building a concrete batching plant, we will reply you as soon as possible by a professional technique support. Our engineer will design a best plan for your using depends on your plant model and production request. In addition we will customize concrete batching plant depends on your request.


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