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Foundation free concrete mixing plant

Foundation free concrete mixing plant is a new mixing plant launched by Camelway. As an emerging mixing plant, foundation-free concrete mixing plant is free of construction design and foundation device, which can provide great convenience to customers and greatly save us time and cost.

Foundation free mixing plant and Stationary Mixing Plant Difference

At present, foundation free concrete mixing plant and stationary concrete mixing plant are the same as concrete mixing plant, there are hopper lift mixing plant and belt type mixing plant, in fact, foundation free concrete mixing plant is not not to do the foundation, it also needs to harden the ground and a shallow foundation. Of course, there is no need as deep as the stationary concrete foundation, foundation free concrete mixing plant can be exempted from the process of design and installation of the foundation, for customers to greatly save the time and foundation cost of building the plant.

Foundation free concrete mixing plant for Sale

Foundation free concrete mixing plant for Sale 

Foundation free Concrete Mixing Plant Structure

The components such as mixing system, control system, material storage system, weighing system, conveying system, etc. are partially installed in the container. Only several container parts need to be combined and placed on the beaten cement surface to start the normal concrete mixing work, which is especially suitable for export.

Foundation free concrete mixing plant advantages

In addition to fast and convenient installation, Foundation Free Concrete Mixing Plant also has excellent environmental protection performance, which can make our construction work more environmentally friendly. As for transportation, since we are foundation-free, there are less extra steel structural parts that we don't need, which can significantly reduce the foundation cost by $10,000 to $20,000, and also make it more convenient for transportation.

Foundation free concrete mixing plant applications

It is suitable for concrete mixing supply in various construction projects such as hydropower, highway, port, airport, bridge, etc. and the construction of commercial concrete mixing plant.


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