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Concrete batching plant cost control analysis

It is very crucial to manage and control the cost in the concrete batching plant production procedure.There are many factors that may affect on the concrete batching plant cost,such as the operation accident rate,production technology and procedure of the concrete,materials for the concrete,mixing ration of the concrete and cost management.

Control of operation accident cost of batching plant:Operation accident of the concrete batching plant mainly refers to the compensation, additional testing, site repair, use of marking, pour ash and other objective factors and subjective factors on the business losses. After the accident, managers should find out the root cause of the accident due to the level of production management, quality control or technical reasons.

Control of production technology and procedure cost of concrete batching plant:Strictly control on the measurement, mixing, pouring and conservation process during the concrete production, which usually adopts the loader bucket to load raw materials on the concrete mixing plant site, and the mixing station is usually equipped with its own automatic metering device.But in the process of loading, the loader hopper is relatively small but the loader bucket is large. There is no baffle placed between the batching hoppers. The mixing of stone and sand during loading is very common, seriously affecting the accuracy of metering and the strength grade and pump ability of concrete. Mistake of operation for mixing will lead to blockage of the pipe and concrete pump ability, work ability and other issues arise.

Control the purchase cost of raw materials of the concrete batching plant:When purchase the raw materials, such as additive admixtures, water, powder ash, ore powder, cement and sand or stones,should take the price and performance into consideration,especially for cement.

Control of concrete mixing ration for the concrete batching plant: It is crucial to optimize the concrete cost for the construction industry.One of the most important basis for one concrete batching plant to calculate the cost is concrete mixing ratio that is an important part for cost control,and it also determines the specific circumstances of the raw materials amount of concrete, reflecting the technical level of a company and the project. In order to effectively control the mix ratio of concrete, the mix ratio of each concrete can be used in each working class to carry out the extraction test.

Innovate the cost management model: At the present stage, the cost management mode of concrete mixing station in China mainly includes three modes: the main commission processing combined plant production management mode, commissioned the processing of self-built mixing station production management mode, self-processing mixing station production management mode. You can make the appropriate changes in these three modes to find the most suitable for your own production.


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